100% Confidential Reporting Of All Concerns
Independent Confidential reporting run by industry professionals
Why use us?
We offer a confidential reporting system designed to be easy for you to report any issues or concerns that you may have. Your details are never included in any reports or reported to the company.
Contacting The Bad Apple Confidential hotline
What happens when you contact us.
When you contact us through your chosen method (phone, email or through the website), one of the team will log your issue and generate a report that details your concerns but does not include any personal details. The report is then sent to your company for further action.
Should your complaint be about a nominated person from the company, that person will not be contacted.
You can be assured that your anonymity is 100% guaranteed and no details will ever be passed on to the site. If you would like a call back regarding the issue please leave a suitable contact method and time that suits you and we will get back to you.
Contact the Bad Apple Team